CHARRUA( uruguaya ,oriental o yorugua)------------------la primer CHARRUA( uruguaya ,oriental o yorugua) que fue jurado del Metropolitano de Tango y del Jurado Mundial ,por merito propio,ahora seleccionada como "maestra reconocida mundialmente",dara un Seminario de Alta Intensidad en el Mundial.No solo es futbol mundial el Uruguay."Tanguera Ilustre de Buenos Aires" "Condor de Oro de San Luis,Argentina....Quien es? L.L. pasion,voluntad y tecnica.Tecnica,voluntad y pasion.Abriendo caminos para Uruguay,embajadora cultural de este Paisito que es un gran Pais con mayuscula. -- Ver .The one,

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2009

Tango Walking,Gotan,Tangoterapia

Tango Walking,Gotan,Tangoterapia

In Argentine tango, walking is philosophy.

The way of walking can emphasize femininity, or masculinity, showing power by military marching, so constructing an identity image, or a dance choreography. Thus, between boots and high heels, the way of walking goes through a whole life spectrum. Meditation is important in the correct understanding of the act. Movement is living motion and immobility is not the absence of movement, it is a knot, a tight cluster of movements. Dancers will realize that both the movement and the awareness, arise and disappear in a moment. They realize that an intention precedes every movement. Intention is the condition for the movement to occur. Mind and body are unsatisfactory because they are always oppressed by new uprisings and disappearings. There is no soul that can control it. Things appear and disappear according to natural law. It is as if organic chemistry cannot be otherwise, as if the universe began with an explosion. By our ordinary perception, we are not able to see-through that things are just a vibration. Energy is constantly changing, hidden by the illusion of continuity. It is like a movie. Physical dancing is an impulse of energy. To move graceful in shape, knowing that it is an illusion. Feeling the movement from within, gives people an experience that is strongly connected with "feeling alive". Dancing create a social accepted playground, to be sensitive to the other's signals in an unique, limited time. Relaxed walking on music is a challenge in today's high-pressure environment. Our uni-sex morality makes no distinction between male and female structures, to direct and response as a bodily conversation, is a appealing dimension of uncertainty. Expressive body movement is one of the ways to discover forgotten qualities.

Click here for Walking Seduction

Using two beats to make a triple step, thus stepping on one beat, then on the half-beat and again on the next beat, is a traspie. It is related to what is called syncopation, syncopa: the stressing of a normally unstressed beat, making a syncopated rhythm. It is playing with expectation, making a prediction move, so inducing arousel or stress as in soccer, a foreplay to the payoff. It creates suspense, excited anticipation about what is going to happen, the expected unexpected. To obtain this result, the partners have to be involved with each other. The two persons are connected by a dialogue, they participate as in a football drama.
One can also make several traspiés and focus on a "step rhythm"- choreography, thus making a little story inside the story. The 3'th step of a traspié can be closed or open, the feet can be together or not. The figure is there, but walking the music is the foreground.


Dans le tango d'Argentine, la façon de marcher est la philosophie. La façon de marcher peut accentuer la féminité, ou la masculinité, en montrant le pouvoir par la marche militaire, ainsi en construisant une image d'identité, ou une chorégraphie de danse. Ainsi, entre les bottes et les hauts talons, la façon de marcher passe par un spectre de vie entier. La méditation est importante dans la compréhension correcte de l'acte. Le mouvement vit le mouvement et l'immobilité n'est pas l'absence de mouvement, c'est des nœuds. Les danseurs se rendront compte que tant le mouvement que la conscience, survenez et disparaissez dans un instant. Ils se rendent compte qu'une intention précède chaque mouvement. L'intention est la condition pour le mouvement pour se produire. L'esprit et le corps sont peu satisfaisants parce qu'ils sont toujours opprimés par de nouvelles insurrections et des disparitions. Il n'y a aucune âme qui peut le contrôler. Les choses apparaissent et disparaissent selon la loi naturelle. Il est comme si la chimie organique ne peut pas être autrement, comme si l'univers a commencé par une explosion. Par notre perception ordinaire, nous ne sommes pas capables à translucide que les choses sont juste une vibration. L'énergie se change constamment, caché par l'illusion de continuité. Il ressemble à un film. La danse physique est une impulsion d'énergie. Bouger gracieux dans la forme, en sachant que c'est une illusion. En sentant le mouvement de l'intérieur, donne aux gens une expérience qui est fortement raccordée avec le "sentiment vivante". La danse crée une cour acceptée sociale, être sensible aux signaux d'autre dans un temps unique, limité. Les promenades à pied détendues sur la musique sont un défi dans l'environnement de haute pression d'aujourd'hui. Notre moralité unisexe ne fait aucune distinction entre les structures mâles et femelles, diriger et la réponse comme une conversation physique, est une dimension charmante d'incertitude. Le mouvement de corps expressif est une des façons de rapporter des qualités perdues.

Italian :

Nel tango Argentino, la maniera di camminare è la filosofia. La maniera di camminare può accentuare la femminilità, o la mascolinità, mostrando il potere dal marching militare, dunque costruire un'immagine di identità, o una coreografia di ballo. Così, tra gli stivali e gli alti talloni, la maniera di camminare passa attraverso uno spettro di vita intero. La meditazione è importante nel capire corretto dell'atto. Il movimento vive il movimento e l'immobilità non è l'assenza di movimento, è uni nodi. I ballerini realizzeranno che entrambi il movimento e la consapevolezza, sorge e scompare in un momento. Realizzano che un'intenzione precede ogni movimento. L'intenzione è la condizione per il movimento di accadere. La mente ed il corpo sono non soddisfacenti perché sono sempre oppressi dall'uprisings nuovo e scompare. Non ci è anima che può controllarlo. Le cose appaiono e scompaiono secondo la legge naturale. È chimica come se organico che la non può essere altrimenti, come se l'universo ha iniziato con un'esplosione. Non dalla nostra percezione ordinaria, siamo il vedere-attraverso capace che le cose sono appena una vibrazione. L'energia cambia costantemente, nascosto dall'illusione di continuità. È come un film. Il ballo fisico è un impulso di energia. Per muovere grazioso nella forma, sapendo che è un'illusione. Il sentimento del movimento da entro, dà dell'un'esperienza alle persone che è fortemente collegato con "sentendo vivo". Il ballo crea un parco sociale accettato, essere sensibile ai segnali dell'altro in un a tempo unico, limitato. Camminare rilassato sulla musica è una sfida nell'ambiente di alto-pressione dell'oggi. La nostra moralità unisex fa nessuna distinzione tra il maschio e le strutture femminili, dirigere e la risposta come una fisico conversazione, è una dimensione attraente di incertezza. Il movimento di corpo espressivo è uno di che le maniere di scoprire le qualità dimenticate.

Español :

En el tango argentino, el modo de andar es la filosofía. El modo de andar puede enfatizar la feminidad, o la masculinidad, mostrando al poder por la marcha de militares, así construyendo una imagen de identidad, o una coreografía de baile. Así, entre botas y tacones altos, el modo de andar pasa por un espectro de vida entero. La meditación es importante en el entendimiento correcto del acto. El movimiento vive el movimiento y la inmovilidad no son la ausencia de movimiento, esto es unos nudos. Los bailarines realizarán que tanto el movimiento como la conciencia, levántese y desaparezca en un momento. Ellos realizan que una intención precede a cada movimiento. La intención es la condición para el movimiento para ocurrir. La mente y el cuerpo son insatisfactorios porque ellos son siempre oprimidos por nuevos levantamientos y desapariciones. No hay ninguna alma que puede controlarlo. Las cosas aparecen y desaparecen según la ley natural. Es como si la química orgánica no puede ser por otra parte, como si el universo comenzó con una explosión. Por nuestra percepción ordinaria, no somos capaces a transparente que las cosas son solamente una vibración. La energía se cambia constantemente, escondido por la ilusión de continuidad. Parece a una película. El baile físico es un impulso de energía. Moverse lleno de gracia en la forma, sabiendo que esto es una ilusión. El sentimiento del movimiento desde dentro, da a la gente una experiencia que está fuertemente relacionada "con el sentimiento viva". El baile crea un patio social aceptado, ser sensible a las señales del otro en un tiempo único, limitado. El andar relajado por la música es un desafío en el ambiente de hoy de alta presión. Nuestra moralidad unisexa no hace ningún diferencia entre estructuras machas y femeninas, dirigir y respuesta como una conversación corporal, es una dimensión atractiva de la incertidumbre. El movimiento de cuerpo expresivo es uno de los modos de descubrir calidades perdidas.

Português :

No tango argentino, o modo de andar é a filosofia. O modo de andar pode acentuar a feminidade, ou a masculinidade, mostrando poder pela marcha militar, construindo assim uma imagem de identidade, ou uma coreografia de dança. Assim, entre botas e altos saltos, o modo de andar atravessa um espectro de vida inteiro. A meditação é importante na compreensão correta da ação. O movimento está vivendo o movimento e a imobilidade não são a ausência do movimento, ele é uns nós. Os bailarinos realizarão que tanto o movimento como a consciência, surja e desapareça em um momento. Eles realizam que uma intenção precede cada movimento. A intenção é a condição do movimento para ocorrer. A mente e o corpo são insatisfatórios porque eles sempre são oprimidos por novas revoltas e desaparecimentos. Não há nenhuma alma que pode controlá-lo. As coisas aparecem e desaparecem segundo a lei natural. É como se a química orgânica não possa ser de outra maneira, como se o universo começasse com uma explosão. Pela nossa percepção ordinária, não somos capazes a transparente que as coisas são somente uma vibração. A energia está modificando-se constantemente, ocultado pela ilusão da continuidade. Ele parece-se com um filme. A dança física é um impulso da energia. Mover-se gracioso na forma, sabendo que ele é uma ilusão. Sentindo o movimento de dentro de, dá à gente uma experiência que é fortemente unida "com sentir vivo". A dança cria um playground aceitado social, ser sensível aos sinais de outro em um tempo único, limitado. A marcha relaxada sobre a música é um desafio no ambiente de alta pressão de hoje. A nossa moralidade unissex não faz nenhuma distinção entre estruturas masculinas e femininas, dirigir e resposta como uma conversação corpórea, é uma dimensão atraente da incerteza. O movimento de corpo expressivo é um dos modos de descobrir qualidades esquecidas.

German :

Im argentinischen Tango ist die Weise spazieren zu gehen Philosophie. Die Weise spazieren zu gehen kann Fraulichkeit, oder Männlichkeit betonen, Macht durch das Militär-Marschieren zeigend, so ein Identitätsimage, oder eine Tanzchoreografie bauend. So, zwischen Stiefeln und hoch Fersen, geht die Weise spazieren zu gehen ein ganzes Leben-Spektrum durch. Meditation ist im richtigen Verstehen der Tat wichtig. Bewegung lebt Bewegung und Unbeweglichkeit sind nicht die Abwesenheit der Bewegung, es ist Knoten. Tänzer werden begreifen, dass sowohl die Bewegung als auch das Bewusstsein, entstehen Sie und in einem Moment verschwinden Sie. Sie begreifen, dass eine Absicht jeder Bewegung vorangeht. Absicht ist die Bedingung für die Bewegung, um vorzukommen. Meinung und Körper sind unbefriedigend, weil sie immer durch das neue Steigen und disappearings bedrückt werden. Es gibt keine Seele, die es kontrollieren kann. Dinge erscheinen und verschwinden gemäß dem natürlichen Gesetz. Es ist, als ob organische Chemie sonst nicht sein kann, als ob das Weltall mit einer Explosion begann. Durch unsere gewöhnliche Wahrnehmung sind wir zu durchsichtig nicht fähig, dass Dinge gerade ein Vibrieren sind. Energie ändert sich verborgen durch das Trugbild der Kontinuität ständig. Es ist einem Film ähnlich. Das physische Tanzen ist ein Impuls der Energie. Sich anmutig in der Gestalt zu bewegen, wissend, dass es ein Trugbild ist. Gefühl der Bewegung daraus, gibt Leuten eine Erfahrung, die mit dem "Fühlen lebendig" stark verbunden wird. Das Tanzen schafft einen sozialen akzeptierten Spielplatz, zu den Signalen eines anderen in einer einzigartigen, beschränkten Zeit empfindlich zu sein. Das entspannte Wandern auf der Musik ist eine Herausforderung in der heutigen Hochdruckumgebung. Unsere Unisexsittlichkeit macht keine Unterscheidung zwischen männlichen und weiblichen Strukturen, zu leiten und Antwort als ein körperliches Gespräch, ist eine ansprechende Dimension der Unklarheit. Ausdrucksvolle Körperbewegung ist eine der Weisen, vergessene Qualitäten zu entdecken.

Norwegian / Norge :

I Argentine tango er måten av å gå filosofi. Måten av å gå understreker femininity, eller maskulinitet, som vise kraft ved militærå marsjering, så konstruere et identitetsavbilde, eller en dans choreography. Følgelig drar mellom støvel og høye hæler, måten av å gå gjennom et helt livsspektrum. Meditasjon er viktig i det riktige forståelsen av det fungerer. Bevegelse lever bevegelse og immobilitet er ikke fraværet av bevegelse, det er en knoper. Dansere forstår at både den bevegelsen og den forståelse, oppstår og forsvinner om et øyeblikk. De forstår at en hensikt går foran hver bevegelse. Hensikt er forholdet for bevegelsen forekomme. Sinn og kropp er unsatisfactory fordi de alltid undertrykker av nye oppstander og forsvinner. Der er ikke noen sjel at styrer det. Ting kommer fram og forsvinner gir til naturlig lov. Det er som om organisk kjemi ikke er ellers, som om universet begynte med en eksplosjon. Ved vår vanlig oppfatning vi ikke ser-gjennom at ting er akkurat en vibrasjon. Energi forandrer seg bestandig, gjemt ved illusjonen av kontinuitet. Det er som en film. Fysisk å dansing er en impuls av energi. Flytte yndig i form, vite at det er en illusjon. Følelse bevegelsen fra innenfor, gir folk en erfaring som sterkt forbinder med "føle levende". Å dansing skaper en sosial akseptert playground, være sensitiv til det andre signaliserer i en enestående, begrenset tid. Avslappet å gåing på musikk er en utfordring i dagens høytrykkmiljø. Vår uni-kjønnmoral skiller ikke mellom hann og kvinnelige strukturer, dirigere og respons som en kroppslig samtale, er en tiltrekkende dimensjon av usikkerhet. Uttrykksfull kroppbevegelse er en av måtene oppdage glemte kvaliteter.

Turkish / Türkçe :

Arjentinlinin içinde tango yapma yürümeyerek yolu felsefe olan. Yürümeyerek yolu askeri yürüyor tarafindan güçü gösteren kadinsilik belirtemez bir kimlik imgesi veya bir dans kareografisi) kurmuyor Böylece, çizmelerin ve yüksek alçaklarin arasinda, yürümeyerek yolu bütün bir yasam dalgasindan geçme. Düsünceye dalma dogru hareket içinde önemli. Hareket olma yasamayarak yönlenme ve immobility yokluk degil hareket, o olma knot. Dansçilar hareketin ve farkindaligin, yükseldigi ve bir anda gözden kayboldugu anlayacak. Onlar bir niyetin her hareketi sundugunu anlar. Niyet kosul hareket için meydana gelmek için olma.

Tango-E-Vita / TANGOÏSTE
Gotan Project
Tango remixed to its African origins: the percussion.

Gotan Project was born thanks to Domingo Cura and Astor Piazzola, teachers of the tango that have inspired the founders of this group to revolutionize that Argentine sound, to modernize it and to create something totally new and that already has sold more than 850.000 recorddisks. Its first work "The revenge of the tango / La revancha del tango", is an unique, delicious, and elegant work in the market.

The folk tango of Buenos Aires is remixed, the oldest one, with a very modern sound. But this new sound does not come from hands of Argentines exactly –although yes musicians of that country interpret it–, but their creators they bring it us, wise experts of this style, the French-Dee jay Philippe Cohen Solal, the Swiss musician Christoph Müller and Eduardo Makaroff. I find me with Philippe in a localities of Madrid al that has come to carry out a session of dj, very different task (and in which the public finishes for be knelt before him), al the same as they will do also in Barcelona and Santiago of Compostela. It has just presented in Spain its new CD, "Inspiration, Expiration, DJ Set - Inspiración, Expiración", in which an interpretation of the actress is included Argentina Cecilia Roth, that recites a poem of Juan Gelman and recalls to the voice of Adriana Varela.

El alma: The soul of Gotan Project, or the soul of Philippe, that is the one that has mixed this new delivery, offers a music of the tango, but mixed, for the first time, with present sounds, as counts me, later, in a telephone interview since its study of Paris swims more to return from our country: "Dj Set” is a collection of songs, of remakes of our first work carried out Peter Kruder, Calexico, or the musician Pepe Bradock. It wanted to meet to all the teachers of the tango that have inspired us: Piazzola, Sunday, the folk, and the music that are connected with our sound; the tecno, the hip-hop, the jazz and the house. But I have wanted to carry them radically toward the direction that we take.

The tango that we make is the true one, to the offspring, tango that has its origins in Africa and that shows in the percussion. What happens is that later each migration was including other instruments, like the bandoneón, that came from Germany, or the violin, that proceeded of the Europe of the east.

There are many white influences that were mixed with the black music of the original. For us work, tango was something a lot more surprising to do and, above all, more difficult. Philippe: Was interesting to work with somewhat unexpected, to modernize. I loved Piazzola, that the urban tango confronts you, the electronic music and the folk music Argentina, very percussionist. Without knowing it we have carried the tango to its origins.

Click here for more about the tango rhythm

Gotan Project signifies tango, but al reverse; a dialect that share French and Argentine and that arises of investing terms al to speak. Philippe will travel to Nashville, where prepares a project alone. To ends of 2005 there will be finished their second compact disc with Gotan, to good insurance that will surprise us.

Click here for Gotan videoclip (ram realplayer)

Italian :
Tango remixed alle sue origini africane: percussione.

Il Progetto di Gotan era nato grazie a Domingo Cura ed Astor Piazzola, gli insegnanti del tango che ha ispirato i fondatori di questo gruppo di rivoluzionare quel suono Argentino, modernizzarlo e creare qualcosa totalmente nuovo e ciò ha venduto già più di 850,000 dischi. Il suo primo lavoro "La vendetta del tango - La revancha del tango", è un lavoro unico, delizioso, ed elegante nel mercato.

Il tango folk di Buenos aires è mescolato, il più vecchio un, con un suono molto moderno. Ma questo suono nuovo non viene dalle mani di Argentines esattamente –sebbene sì i musicisti di quel paese l'interpretano–, ma i loro creatori lo portano ci, gli esperti saggi di questo stile, il DJ-francese Philippe Cohen Solal , il musicista Christoph Müller ed Eduardo Makaroff Svizzero. Me trovo con Philippe in une località di al di Madrid che è venuto eseguire una sessione di dj, l'incarico molto diverso (ed in cui le fini pubbliche per si è inginocchiato prima che lui), l'al lo stesso come faranno anche in Barcellona ed in Santiago di Compostela. Ha appena presentato in Spagna il suo lavoro nuovo, "l'Ispirazione, la Scadenza, la Serie di DJ-set, Inspiración, Expiración", in cui un'interpretazione dell'attrice è incluso Argentina Cecilia Roth, ciò recita una poesia di Juan Gelman ed i richiami alla voce di Adriana Varela.

L'anima di Progetto di Gotan, o l'anima di Philippe, ciò è l'un che ha mescolato questa consegna nuova, offre una musica che corteggia ci inevitabilmente del tango, ma mescolato, per la prima volta, con i suoni attuali, me conta come, dopo, in un'intervista di telefono poiché il suo studio di Parigi nuota più di ritornare dal nostro paese: Il “la Serie di/ DJ-set” è una collezione di canzoni, di remezclas di nostroIl primo lavoro ha portato Kruder di outPeter, Calexico, o il musicista Pepe Bradock. Ha voluto incontrare a tutti gli insegnanti del tango che ha ispirato ci: Piazzola, domenica, il folk, e la musica che sono collegate col nostro suono; il tecno, il hip-hop, il jazz e la casa. Ma ho voluto portare loro radicalmente verso l'indicazione che portiamo. Il tango che causiamo è il vero un, il primo, ciò che ha le sue origini in Africa e ciò ha abbondato nella percussione. Che succede è che dopo ogni migrazione includeva di altri strumenti, come il bandoneón, ciò è venuto da Germania, o il violino, ciò ha proceduto dell'Europa dell'est.

Ci sono molte influenze bianche che sono stato mescolato con la musica nera di originale. Il tango qualcosa era difficile. Philippe: Ho amato Piazzola, che il tango urbano la confronta, di Buenos aires, la musica elettronica e l'Argentina di musica folk, molto il percursionista. Senza lo sa abbiamo portato il tango al suo origini.

Gotan Proyect significa il tango, ma la retromarcia di al; un dialetto che divide il francese ed Argentino e ciò sorge di investire di al di termini per parlare. Philippe viaggerà a Nashville, dove prepara un progetto solo. Per finire di 2005 sarà lí finito il loro secondo disco con Gotan, all'assicurazione buona che sorprenderà ci.


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Tango-E-Vita / TANGOÏSTE
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Tango Trends don't stop:
"Electrolatino tango" or "tango electrofusion".

Electroacústica tanguera orchestra, the house of electro with precise handling of beats per minute and manipulation of realtime images.

In 1997 Latin Rock pioneer Gustavo Santaolalla created Surco, the first Latin regional label dedicated to Hispanic Alternative music and the home of Molotov, Juanes, Orishas, Bersuit, El Otro Yo, La Vela Puerca, Arbol, and Erica Garcia.
Millions of units and a handful of Grammys later, Surco takes its next step by launching Vibra, a new division which taps into the world of Electronica while never loosing touch with its Latin identity. Vibra's first in a string of Electrolatino releases is BTC: Bajofondo Tangoclub - a collective of artists and musicians who team up to create an array of music based on the fusion of diverse electronic genres (house, trance, trip hop, dub, drum n' bass, etc) with the traditional sounds of Tango.

Click here for audio

The collection brings together some of South America's top names in both the electronic and tango world creating an eclectic blend that represents a contemporary view of urban life in the "Rio de la Plata". Without having been released yet, Bajofondo Tango Club is already causing a stir in Argentina's underground and is the newest vehicle for Santaolalla to demonstrate his tremendous creativity as an artist and producer.

Gustavo Santaolalla (Producer, Mezcla, Keyboards, Programming, Vocals, Guitar, Percussion)
Gustavo Santaolalla's professional music career started in 1967 at the age of 16, when he founded the group Arco Iris making history as the pioneer in the fusion of rock and Latin American folk. He has since become the most important name in Latin Alternative music having won Grammys for his work with Cafe Tacuba and Juanes and has also produced critical and commercial successes for million-selling Mexican group Molotov, as well as Julieta Venegas, Maldita Vencindad, Caifanes, Leon Gieco, Los Prisioneros and Divididos among others. In 1997, he founded Surco and has also played a major role in producing music for his label's roster of artists including Bersuit, Erica Garcia, Arbol and La Vela Puerca among others. Most recently, Gustavo has entered into the world of film music by scoring the music for the Oscar nominated film Amores Perros and producing it's soundtrack, and will once again team up with Amores Perros producer Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu to work on his upcoming film. Proving once again that he is not only a master in the world of rock, Santaolalla just completed production of the new release "Nuevo" for the classical string quartet Kronos which pays homage to the rich musical styles of Mexico.

Luciano Supervielle (Keyboards)
Today he is most recognized for being the keyboard player for singer-songwriter Jorge Drexler. He is the youngest member of Bajofondo Tango Club.
Supervielle started his professional career in his native country, Uruguay with the hip hop group Platano Macho. The plantain or platano macho is a banana, musa paradisiaca, which is eaten cooked rather than raw. Plantain are eaten in most tropical countries, including Mexico. Mariquitas are lightly salted, sweeter-than-bananas plantain chips.
Supervielle: From my 16 years, I interfered with the language of the electronics. It had keyboards that were allowing to compose music for layers: it was putting a battery line, one of down and above of it it had space to orchestrate. It is super important in my music, because though he is born of the piano, this instrument does not have a participation soloist, but it is one more element one orchestration. To the work with samples often it removes itself value because it uses material that was already done earlier by another person, but it forces to do a very important work of sound combination, which is something very nearby to the orchestration.
Was he interested in the tango before being summoned for Bajofondo Tango Club?
- not in a direct way. I always liked much the tango of Piazzolla, that he is other of the musicians who more influenced me, both for the rhythmic thing and for the melodic thing. Obviously, when we started being employed at this project there was a specific approach towards the tango that made me discover the style. I was never tanguero, I never did tango, and when we met in Bajofondo the premise of mixing it with our electronic language, it made me investigate it and to know more the style.
- this approach almost of laboratory: does not it leave it out of many elements of the tango?
- the fact is that I do hip hop. The things that serve me as the tango are those that I can associate with my genre. As in all work of experimentation, there are things that stay of side. But the tango and the hip hop share a dance origin, then there are many things that one knows that it can associate. Anyhow, if I do a contribution to some evolution it is to that of the hip hop or of the electronic music, not to that of the tango. The new tango is going to arise from a type that is tanguero, that it dedicates ten hours per day to doing tango. And if it approaches the electronic music, it will do it from the tango. I am of another side.

(Original: Tuve la suerte de que mi padre se compró una computadora y entonces desde los 16 años me involucré con el lenguaje de la electrónica. Tenía teclados que permitían componer música por capas: ponía una línea de batería, una de bajo y arriba de eso tenía espacio para orquestar. Eso es súper importante en mi música, porque si bien nace del piano, ese instrumento no tiene una participación solista, sino que es un elemento más de una orquestación. Al trabajo con samples muchas veces se le quita valor porque utiliza material que ya fue hecho antes por otra persona, pero obliga a hacer un trabajo muy importante de combinación de sonidos, que es algo muy cercano a la orquestación.
¿Le interesaba el tango antes de ser convocado para Bajofondo Tango Club?
–No de modo directo. Siempre me gustó mucho el tango de Piazzolla, que es otro de los músicos que más influyeron en mí, tanto por lo rítmico como por lo melódico. Obviamente, cuando nos pusimos a trabajar en este proyecto hubo un acercamiento específico hacia el tango que me hizo descubrir el estilo. Nunca fui tanguero, nunca hice tango, y cuando nos reunimos en Bajofondo con la premisa de mezclarlo con nuestro lenguaje electrónico, eso me hizo investigar y conocer más el estilo.
–Ese acercamiento casi de laboratorio, ¿no lo deja afuera de muchos elementos del tango?
–Es que yo hago hip hop. Las cosas que me sirven del tango son las que puedo asociar a mi género. Como en todo trabajo de experimentación, hay cosas que quedan de lado. Pero el tango y el hip hop comparten un origen bailable, entonces hay muchas cosas que uno sabe que puede asociar. De todos modos, si hago un aporte a alguna evolución es a la del hip hop o de la música electrónica, no a la del tango. El nuevo tango va a surgir de un tipo que sea tanguero, que dedique diez horas por día a hacer tango. Y si se acerca a la música electrónica, lo hará desde el tango. Yo estoy del otro lado.)

Juan Campodonico (Co-Producer)
Campodonico's first encounter with Santaolalla was as the guitarist for the Uruguayan rock group Peyote Asesino, which was signed to Surco in 1997 and whose release was produced by Santaolalla himself. A strong bond was built between the two men and even when the members of Peyote parted ways, Santaolalla and Juan continued to work with each other. In the past year, Campodonico built a name for himself as a producer having worked on the debut release for Latin Grammy nominated Jorge Drexler, a singer-songwriter who currently is enjoying success in Spain, Argentina, and Uruguay. Once the idea of Bajofondo Tango Club was clear in Santaolalla's mind he knew that Campodonico would be the perfect partner and for the past year, the team has converged in Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Los Angeles to create this new adventurous project.

Emilio Kauderer (Keyboards, Programming, Producer)
Among the eclectic list of Argentine-born composer Emilio Kauderer's accomplishments are works as varied as scoring the Oscar nominated film "A Place In The World", composing music for a multimedia project commissioned by New York's Museum of Tolerance and the Internet-only movie "Quantum" directed by Oscar - winning set designer Eugenio Zanetti, to name a few. Currently residing in Los Angeles, Kauderer continues to keep busy scoring for film and television and now has joined forces with Vibra to participate in Bajofondo Tango Club.

Juan Blas (Producer)
One of the hottest producers in Argentina today, Juan Blas is responsible for producing the debut record of El Sindicato Argentino Del Hip Hop, who took home the Latin Grammy for best Latin Hip Hop album in 2001. He lends his unique Urban flavor to Bajofondo Tango Club.

Adriana Valera (Vocals)
Valera is currently one of the female Tango voices with the most critical and commercial acclaim. She is considered a disciple of the great Tango artist Roberto "Polaco" Goyeneche - his sampled voice also appears in the Bajofondo Tango Club track "Mi Corazon" - who embraced her in the last few years for his life as his protege.

Didi Gutman (Keyboards, Programming, Producer)
Argentine composer Didi Gutman currently can be found as the musical director for Bebel Gilberto's tour and is also composing songs for Gilberto's upcoming release, which he will also produce. Additionally he just completed recording the first album for his group Me and the Other Guy called "In The Madness". In the past he has also performed as a musician with artists such as Roy Ayers, Spinetta, Lebon and produced the albums for Azul Violeta, Poncho Kingz and El General.

Cristobal Repetto (Vocals)
In his hometown of Buenos Aires, Repetto has single handedly brought back the traditional voice of the Tango. Although only in his early 20s, to listen to him sing he could easily be confused with the great voices of Tango's past, previously only heard on the old scratchy vinyl's of our grandparents. He leads the pack of the new generation artists breathing life into this genre.

Diego Vainer (Keyboards)
Probably best known as the producer for Argentine Alternative Rock group El Otro Yo, Diego Vainer is also a pioneer in the Latin Electronic genre being the first artist to release a record of this kind in Argentina in the late 80s. His project since then is called "Fantasias Animadas."

Jorge Drexler (Acoustic Guitar)
This Uruguayan singer-songwriter currently resides in Spain and follows in the tradition of great pop stars as Miguel Bose and Alejandro Sanz. His record was produced by Bajofondo co-producer Juan Campodonico and is nominated for a Latin Grammy for Best Pop Male Performance. He can be found touring throughout Spain and South America promoting his Virgin EMI Spain release "Sea".

Adrian Iaies (Piano)
Argentine pianist Adrian Iaies' unique style can best be described as a fusion of traditional Tango and contemporary Jazz. In 2000, he was nominated for a Latin Grammy in the jazz category for his record "Las Tardecitas de Minton's" (Aqua Records). Throughout his impressive career he has toured extensively on both sides of the Atlantic having shared the stage with artists such as Ron Carter, Lee Konitz, Michael Brecker, Dave Holland, John Patitucci, Chucho Valdes, and Dino Saluzzi. In November of 2000, Iaies recorded a new solo record in Barcelona called "Tango Reflections" which was released worldwide in April of 2001.

Pablo Mainetti (Bandoneon)
Born in Buenos Aires, Mainetti is one of the best-known and most respected bandoneon players in the world. He completed his studies in bandoneon, harmony, and composition before specializing in chamber and contemporary music. Throughout the course of his career he has recorded and played with all of the Top Tango artists in Rio De La Plata and has worked under the direction of the masters: Beba Pugliese, Nestor Marconi, Daniel Binelli, Mederos and Rodolfo Alchurron. In 1996, Harmonia Mundi released his tribute recording to Astor Piazzolla entitled "Concerto for Bandoneon".

Javier Casalla (Violin)
Javier Casalla is an Argentine Violinist who lends his talent to both rock and tango. He has toured extensively throughout Europe and visited Japan with the orchestra Colangello.

Electroshock clicks:
Electro Fusion Musicdefinition
Electro Bajofondotangoclub
Electro Gotanproject Gotan
Electro Neotango Neo Narco Narcotango
Electro Tangocrash
Electrotango Tanghetto

Bajofondo Tango Club lanzará un nuevo disco en mayo del 2005

La fusión del tango con la música electrónica que produce el grupo argentino Bajofondo Tango Club se dejará escuchar el próximo año con nuevas piezas, luego de que el bajista del grupo, Juan Campódico, asegurara que en 2005 l a banda lanzará un nuevo disco.
"Será un disco más conciso, más concentrado, que va mucho más al grano", aseguró Campodónico. Se trata de "decir algo actual con el corazón y la idiosincracia del Río de la Plata", explicó el músico y productor musical.
La receta del grupo, formado por argentinos y uruguayos, es fusionar la música electrónica (house, el trip hop o el drum n'bass) con el tango tradicional.
El grupo surgió a iniciativa de Campodónico y el argentino Gustavo Olalla, productor de rock latino, quienes contactaron con el dj uruguayo Luciano Supervielle, que en aquel momento residía en Francia para que formase parte del proyecto.

La revancha del tango dee jays

Gotan Project es un trío formado en París por un DJ francés, Philippe Cohen Solal; un músico suizo, Christoph H. Müller, y un intérprete argentino de bandoneón y guitarra, Eduardo Makaroff.
En el 2000 publicaron 1.000 copias de su primer single ‘El capitalismo foráneo’, una combinación de tango, jazz y electrónica que ellos denominan ‘Electrauthentica’.

Graban un álbum que titulan ‘La revancha del tango’ (2001), toda una declaración de principios apoyada ‘Chunga’s revenge’, un olvidado tema de Frank Zappa que ellos reinterpretan en el disco, del que llevan vendidos casi un millón de copias.

Tango-E-Vita / TANGOÏSTE

ARGENTINE TANGO ARGENTINO's Blog - Windows LiveAda Falcón retires very prematurely, in 1942, becoming franciscana nun and making .... His best known works from that time include: "Times", "Madreselva", ... - 326k - En caché - Páginas similares

Congreso Internacional de Tangoterapia
17, 18 y 19 de Julio de 2008 | Ariston Hotel | Rosario, Santa fe, Argentina

Programa de Actividades
Jueves 17 Julio 2008


Acto de apertura


“Cuando el tango llega a los recetarios…”
Disertante: Dr. Luis alposta (Buenos Aires)
“ILUSTRACION, temas bailados con vestuario de época 1914-1920. Tangos relacionados directamente con la medicina.”


Conferencia Inaugural: " Con el Corazón en el Tango"
Trabajos de investigación realizados en la Fundación Favaloro.
Aspectos médicos, cardiológicos y osteomusculoarticulares.
Disertante: Dr. Ricardo Comasco *. Co-autor con el Dr. Peidro del Libro “Con el corazón en el tango”. (Buenos Aires)


Videos con grupos de la Fundación Favaloro, Club Estudiantes de La Plata y otros eventos.


Almuerzo Libre


City tour opcional, disponible para los asistentes y acompañantes.
(Solo con reserva previa)


Conferencia, “Los bailes del internado”
Disertante: Dr. Luis Alposta (Buenos Aires)


Conferencia: “ El Tango, un camino a la individuación"
Disertante: Lic. Sergio Herchcowicz. ( Buenos Aires )


Conferencia: “TANGOCONCIENCIA” Método Feldenkrais y el Tango en los ámbitos de la salud y la educación”
Presentación taller.
Disertante: Lic. Josefina Sánchez (Buenos Aires)
con la colaboración de Cristina Gastaldi




Conferencia, " Tango Argentino, conexión entre la pareja"
Presentación taller.
Disertante: Christina Johnson (México)


Conferencia: “Cero conflicto, TANGO” Tango en construccion - Compartimos un camino.
Disertante: Lic. Yanela Lima (Uruguay)
Presentación taller.


Conferencia: “Psicotango” Un nuevo método de aproximación a la danza como conocimiento interior"
Disertantes: Lic. Monica Peri y Lic. Ignacio Cobo Lavalle (Buenos Aires)
Presentación taller


Conferencia: “La contribución del Tango al desarrollo de la resiliencia”
Disertantes: Lic. Rosa Sosnitsky y la Danza terapeuta Jessica Grumberg (Buenos Aires)


Presentación del “taller para médicos, psicólogos y publico en General"
Mostrando como es posible, bailando a tiempo, a medio tiempo y a doble tiempo aplicar la tango terapia en un mismo grupo a cualquier tipo de paciente, aun en casos severos. Efectos psicosociales.
Disertante: Dr. Comasco (Buenos Aires)



Viernes 18 de julio


Conferencia: “Tango: una valiosa herramienta para la reversión de síntomas y enfermedades en el método Coach para vivir saludable…mente”
Una propuesta uruguaya
Disertante: Dr. León Gerner (Uruguay)
Con la colaboración de Karina Caffaro en Psicología, Gonzalo Antoniazzi y Laura, en Postura y equilibrios


Conferencia: “How about Tango – Good for your brain, your body and your social life”
Disertante: Dra. Patricia McKinley ( McGill School of Physical and
Occupational Therapy-Canada )




Conferencia: “Use of Tango to improve functional mobility in Individuals with Parkinson disease”.
Disertante: Dra. Gammon Earhart (Washington University School of Medicine usa)


Conferencia: “Tango…. pasión femenina”
Disertantes: Mirta Santamaría - Roberto Pankow (Buenos Aires)
“Tango teatralizado tipo sainete “intitulado “SIN EL PAN Y SIN LA TORTA” con el fondo musical de Bailarín Compadrito.”


Almuerzo Libre


City tour opcional, disponible para los asistentes y acompañantes.
(solo con reserva previa)


Conferencia: “Oído, memoria, movimiento y TANGO DANZA e Integración”
Disertante: Lic. Jose Luis Sampaulo con la colaboración de la Lic. Mariana Soledad Rodríguez Alcántara (Buenos Aires )


“Del organismo dañado, al cuerpo habitado en la experiencia milonguera”
Músico terapeuta Gustavo Sanguinetti
Lic. En Psicología y Docente especial Susana Prego – Fundación Tobías (Buenos Aires)
“Presentación taller Centro de día Trayectoria”
Dras. Estela Brisar y Maria Elcira Velásquez Quintanilla
“Presentacion taller Clinica de Memoria-Centro de dia Alzheimer”
Dr. Gerardo Tiezzi (Rosario)




Conferencia: " Tango; ese abrazo...."
Disertante: Dr. Federico Trossero ( Rosario )
Autor del libro “Tangoterapia


Actividad nocturna opcional

Sábado 19 de julio



Taller de Bio-Tango a cargo de la Bailarina de Tango Marisa Talamoni y la Orientadora de Biodanza Bibiana Talamoni. Actividad sin límite de participantes.


CENA DE GALA de Clausura
Fragmento de un musical presentado en teatro con pacientes a cargo del Dr., Comasco, titulado “
Orquestas- Show- Agradecimientos y evaluación del logro de objetivos.

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