CHARRUA( uruguaya ,oriental o yorugua)------------------la primer CHARRUA( uruguaya ,oriental o yorugua) que fue jurado del Metropolitano de Tango y del Jurado Mundial ,por merito propio,ahora seleccionada como "maestra reconocida mundialmente",dara un Seminario de Alta Intensidad en el Mundial.No solo es futbol mundial el Uruguay."Tanguera Ilustre de Buenos Aires" "Condor de Oro de San Luis,Argentina....Quien es? L.L. pasion,voluntad y tecnica.Tecnica,voluntad y pasion.Abriendo caminos para Uruguay,embajadora cultural de este Paisito que es un gran Pais con mayuscula. -- Ver .The one,

lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

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Justin Bieber al desnudo,oscar,katy perry sexy,clooney testiculos,beckman en calzoncillos,beyonce,vicole,pouchal,Catherine Fulop y Fernando Carrillo, Jésica Cirio, Paola Miranda,PAMPITA, ---- tn tn hna darin abc REVISTA MAX George Clooney bromea con haberse hecho un «lifting» en los testículos George Clooney se ha desnudado para la revista italiana Max en la que ha hablado sin pelos en la lengua sobre política, homosexualidad, hijos, matrimonio y... «lifting» en los testículos. tengo el sentimiento hoy de que "no sirve para nada" navegar 49m CARAS Online ?@caras_online Amor, Argo, Django Livre, Indomável Sonhadora, Os Miseráveis, As Aventuras de Pi, Lincoln, O Lado Bom da Vida e A Hora Mais Escura. #Oscar tn agustina vicole belen pouchal ---- ntevideo · volvió Jésica Cirio y se enojó Paola Miranda ------------ Storm Fitness Me gusta · Hace aproximadamente una hora In terms of your own physique/body which is your most well developed body part and which is the body part lacks development as our Physique Specialist Robbie will be able to help you address this issue. Comment below and he will answer all your on muscular development and give you the knowledge to spurt on some new growth. Facebook © 2013 · Español (España) Información · Crear un anuncio · Crear una página · Desarrolladores · Empleo · Privacidad · Cookies · Condiciones · Ayuda Chat (desactivado) Opciones CompartirMe gusta Fotos de la biografía Storm Fitness Me gusta · 29 de diciembre de 2012 Five easy ways to add mass If you are following a mass building program and your not doing theses simple “zero effort” things you’re missing out on some easy gains! Drink more water- 99% of people I see at Storm don’t drink enough water. Every cell in the body has a requirement for it. Between 1.5-3.5lt daily depending on your size and activity level. Eat more dietary fats- Protein gets the most P.R. in the mass building game and of course its highly important however in the most important growth phase of our lives (the first nine months) what’s our food of choice? That’s right Breast milk! 28-32% Fat, cheap, well packaged and tasty (or at least so I’m told …ahem)- More on this tomorrow. Up your “real food calories”- I make no secret of the fact that I’m not an advocate of calorie counting however when it comes to adding mass trying to do it whilst consuming 2,000 calories per day as a male or 1,400 as female just won’t work. Getting the majority of your calories from “real food” sources is a good strategy, supplements are supplementary and are there to support not replace a good diet. Sleep Zzz! – Make sure you get at least 8 hours of restful sleep. If you don’t get adequate rest you won’t see the best results possible from your training. Sleep is the best way to get your hormones into a favourable state for building muscle and losing fat. Anabolic hormones testosterone and HGH are up regulated whilst the muscle wasting cortisol is reduced. Wrap up warm- Shivering uses energy from ATP. Muscles work in pairs (agonist and antagonist) to create a small movement using ATP as the main fuel source; this is also the main fuel source of most weight training. When we are trying to add mass we need to use the calories from the food we eat to encourage growth. Too much activity, stress or shivering will result in a deficit in the calories we require and we will lose mass not gain it! So to summarise; eat,drink,sleep and stay does that sound tough? Storm Fitness Me gusta · ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five easy ways to add mass If you are following a mass building program and your not doing theses simple “zero effort” things you’re missing out on some easy gains! Drink more water- 99% of people I see at Storm don’t drink enough water. Every cell in the body has a requirement for it. Between 1.5-3.5lt daily depending on your size and activity level. Eat more dietary fats- Protein gets the most P.R. in the mass building game and of course its highly important however in the most important growth phase of our lives (the first nine months) what’s our food of choice? That’s right Breast milk! 28-32% Fat, cheap, well packaged and tasty (or at least so I’m told …ahem)- More on this tomorrow. Up your “real food calories”- I make no secret of the fact that I’m not an advocate of calorie counting ----------------------------------------------------- muchos calendarios juana viale se va por la inseguridad.Diario Clarín Te gusta · Hace 9 minutos Juana Viale se va del país por la "violencia tremenda". Mirá sus fuertes declaraciones: []. ¿Qué opinás? SUN PAMPITA