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A journey to creation! It's hard to believe that a country like Uruguay, with a small population, has so many original visual artists with great deal of creativity.
Not too long ago, many important artists have opened studios at Montevideo's Old City, therefore Arteuy suggests to visit them with specialized bilingual tour guides.
At Arteuy, our mission is to promote the Uruguayan culture. The contemporary visual arts scenario is interesting not only for Uruguayans, but for foreign visitors.
Arteuy Tour Montevideo It consists in the guided visits to the workshops of the visual artists at the Montevideo's Old City (Ciudad Vieja). With biligual guides and specialized in visual arts. The transfer from the meeting points to the first workshop, and the way back from the Port´s Market to them is in vans and minibuses of Transhotel The arteuy - art tour has already began on Saturday mornings !
Meeting Points. The 3 meeting points are the Hotels: Best Western Palladium (Buceo-Pocitos Nuevo), Sheraton (Punta Carretas) y Radisson Victoria Plaza (Centro-Plaza Independencia) of Montevideo. We'll pick up the tourists from diferent hotels and Montevideanos, with a vehicle of Transhotel, in the main hall of the 3 meeting points.
Schedule Saturdays: 10:00 A.M. at the Best Western Palladium Hotel (Buceo-Pocitos Nuevo), 10:15 A.M. at the Sheraton Hotel (Punta Carretas) and 10:30 A.M. at the Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel and at 1:30 P.M. begins the return to the meeting points.
The art tour ends with a toast at Cabaña Verónica at the Port's Market
Price The total cost of the art tour is of USD 25 (Twenty five dolars) per person in group. Minimun 7 pernsons. Consult for individual tours.
Languages The tour is conducted in English and Spanish. Art Tours in other languages are available upon request.
Previous Reservation Reservations are required at least 24 hrs. in advance
Reservations (5982) 402 9935, 402 9936, Fax (5982) 402 6134 or at your Hotel
>> e-mail: reservas@e-transhotel.com *When you reserve by mail or fax, please specify: Name, Nationality, phone, address, Art tour date and Meeting Point.
It's possible to ask for special days and time to do the arteuy montevideo - art tour
The circuito arteuy montevideo - art tour was declared of Cultural Value by the Education and Culture's Ministry of Uruguay and of Value by the Goverment of City of Montevideo
>> + Information: info.arteuy@gmail.com (598) 94 457 506
Artists with ateliers at Montevideo´s Old City:
Fernando ACOSTA BENTOS, Walter AIELLO, Alvaro AMENGUAL, Federico ARNAUD, Cristina BRACHO, Guillermo BUSH, Elena CAJA, Eduardo CARDOZO, Roberto DE LEÓN, Diego DONNER, Lacy DUARTE, Isabel GARCÍA, Fermín "Ombú" HONTOU, Marcelo LARROSA, MACACHÍN, Gongui MACRI, Diego MASI, Cecilia MATTOS, Ana MÉNDEZ, Marcelo MENDIZÁBAL, Gabriel MONTEVERDE, Carlos MUSSO, Inés OLMEDO, Mónica PACKER, Sandra PASTORINO, Virginia PATRONE, Juan Pedro PAZ, José PELAYO, Alvaro PEMPER, Pablo PERALTA, Elisa RÍOS, Ana SALCOVSKY, Fidel SCLAVO, Carlos SEVESO, Gustavo TABARES, Gustavo VÁZQUEZ, Clarina VINCENS, Margaret WHYTE, ... +
Uruguay Country of Artists
The art in Uruguay >> English
El arte en Uruguay >> Español
Montevideo's Old City map
>> Photos at the Arteuy Tour
>> Spanish, >> Portugues, >> Italiano
UNA WEB SIN FINES DE LUCRO,DESDE EL SUR-RIO DE LA PLATA.. ARTE y cultura de Uruguay el pais celeste blanco y oro y Argentina reina del Plata VISITAS DE LECTORES DEL PLANETA
CHARRUA( uruguaya ,oriental o yorugua)------------------la primer CHARRUA( uruguaya ,oriental o yorugua) que fue jurado del Metropolitano de Tango y del Jurado Mundial ,por merito propio,ahora seleccionada como "maestra reconocida mundialmente",dara un Seminario de Alta Intensidad en el Mundial.No solo es futbol mundial el Uruguay."Tanguera Ilustre de Buenos Aires" "Condor de Oro de San Luis,Argentina....Quien es? L.L. pasion,voluntad y tecnica.Tecnica,voluntad y pasion.Abriendo caminos para Uruguay,embajadora cultural de este Paisito que es un gran Pais con mayuscula. --
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